Contact Us

Office Number
Rance Safaris
+27 43 683 2918

15 + 12 =

How to get here?
Local airlines are safe, efficient and generally run on time. Checking firearms through customs and obtaining temporary permits for South Africa is relatively easy.

Clients from countries with big time differences should allow a day or two to relax, sight in rifles and adjust to the time difference before hunting takes place. Those from Europe fly down the same time zone, so adjustment is easier.

If needed, a turnkey package together with flights can be provided, but experience has shown this is better and also easy to do in the clients’ country of origin.

Fly to Johannesburg, catch a link flight to East London and we will collect you with a vehicle at the airport for a 2 hour road trip to the Kei River reserve or a 3½ hour drive to the Fish River valley.

We can recommend overnight bed and breakfast or hotels in Johannesburg to advise your travel agent. Your travel agent must double-check which South African airlines allow passengers to carry firearms.
