We were concentrating on another nyala bull 80 yards below us that wouldn’t show his head when a group of kudu bulls walked out. There were 3 under age bulls together with a massive bodied older bull. After a bit of scrutinizing I told Brian that the older bull was never going to grow into anything great and offered it to him as a ‘management kudu’.
Rance Safaris have a strict management policy where only the big quality animals may be harvested if they are past breeding age, however if we come across a bull that has “inferior” genetics we offer them to clients at reduced rates, by doing so over time you ensure that only the superior genetics are passed on, and this management philosophy is applied to all species.
Brian has never been one to shy away from any opportunity and this case was no different. He leap frogged Denise in a flash and quickly got onto the sticks and waited for the bull the step out into the open, as it did Brian made a quick shot, probably a bit too quick and pulled the shot a bit back. The bull disappeared as he ran down into the Cememe River gorge. Light was fading so we had to act quickly. We split up just in case the bull made a dash for it. Brian and the Tracker Two Boy stayed on the kudu tracks and I stayed further up overlooking the valley he disappeared into. With a bit of team work the bull was down and we just had enough light for photos.